So I'm stealing this from a fellow church planting wives Facebook status. The answers really intrigued me. So I thought I would come see what all of you thought, and your answers. So if I'm begging you to leave a comment today would be that day :)
So.... million $ question is..
What do you think a church should NOT be ?
Ready set go....

I'm not sure I'm following your question.....What is the purpose of the little white historic church picture? Is that what you think a church should NOT be?
I guess I would say what a church should NOT be is a place that focuses completely on growing it's members or completely on evangelism. Both scenarios will suffer in the long run. A church has to have a healthy balance between the two.
It's all about the people - not about the building. Again not sure why you posted the picture, but I love that little white church and if I were traveling on a Sunday morning and came across that building, I would stop for sure!! I guess I'm just very traditional.
oh the church was just a picture of a cute church :)
I love old fashioned cute churches...
@ Carrie from my facebook said ~ Church should not be a huge building that Christians hide away in with all of the programs and things to keep them "busy" instead of reaching the lost. I have a concept, why don't we as the church be mission minded and meet the needs of the community instead of trying to get them to come to us. The days of "if you build it, they will come" are over. We need to go to them.
A church should not be cold, uninviting. A church should not be to one extreme. A church should not be just a building we come to a few times a week.
A church should be focused on lives being changed for the glory of the Lord. A church should be focused on continually loving people, all kinds of people.
We are the church.
A church should not be run like a business with CEO's and CFO's and boards and committees and the such.
It should also not be the opposite of a family. :-)
To first decide what a church should not be you have to decide what you think a church should be. That in its self is creating a box that we as humans like to function. When in reallity God loves to function out of the box. A church should not be anything that God can not be. So to answer you question what should a church not be... I would suggest opening your Bibles and taking a look at Christ and then asses what you think a church should not be, because if I recall we are all the temple so whatever your box is to define the building or instituion of a church needs to fit to you as the temple also... Just a thought. ;-)
A church should not be a place where people go to be nice for an hour or two while a man/woman stands behind a pulpit blathering on about something that is more what he thinks than what God thinks...children should never be bored to tears learning about their Savior!
church should not be a social club... church should not be a place of cruelty and judgment toward the pastor or anyone else. Church should not be all about numbers- $ and attendees. Church should not be a place where people feel the need to pretend they are perfect or more spiritual than they really are.
I could go on and on but I will stop there :)
should not be a place of cold religion. should not be a place of condemnation. should not be a place of arrogantly platforming ourselves as ministry leaders. should not be a place the world is afraid to enter because of the people inside.
Church should not be a place where we can't be honest. It should be the one safe place where we can take off the mask and be real with each other. It should not be a place where we worry about "what people think"... instead, it should be a place where we get in the trenches with each other and pray and weep and praise together.
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