So excited to be apart of this! You see Christmas is my favorite time of the year! I could breathe in the smells all year long, and the sights are just glorious. I do miss the snow already. Small as it may seem that would be an amazing Christmas miracle for me. So God if you see fit would you please send this girlfriend some snow. Yes, I know the other southern peeps will freak but that's okay they have this yankee to show them how to deal.
Okay on to our traditions :)
If you want to be apart go check out Lisa and link up to her, there are prizes involved.
Some of the fun traditions are baking. LOT'S of it! If you want any of the recipes let me know.
Peppermint Bark
Scoocharoos (sp?)
Fudge (peanut butter & Choc)
Christmas Cookies
Oreo Truffles
Those are just a few.
We have them laying around all the time and i DO NOT feel guilty about eating it all! I worked hard for it after all. When January comes i work extra hard to just take off the few extra pounds... well at least that's the goal.
We then package up the goodies and on Christmas even we open up our one gift. Those are Christmas Pj's, or seasonal Pj's. Then we pile in the car with our plates of goodies and drive around looking at Christmas lights and then we take turns going up to the door and blessing them with a plate of goodies. After all they blessed us with their lights and decor :)
We usually travel somewhere for Christmas as all our family is out of state, but last year we decided we wanted to wake up in our home on Christmas! WE LOVED IT!
I'm sure we will travel again but for now we will spend Christmas morning in our pj's reading the Christmas story eating a yummy breakfast of homemade sausage biscuits and gravy with fruit and all sorts of other fixings.
This year is a little unique because we do live by family. So we are doing several fun filled things!
Family Christmas Caroling to the local Nursing Homes and our children are making home made Cards.
We are doing a Holiday House Hop. We are starting at each sibling's house and each home will host for an hour before we move on to the next. One place will have breakfast the next will have hot chocolate then next will be a game all the way thru lunch time. This way we get to visit each others fun decorated home and enjoy each other.
Then on Christmas afternoon we will join at my In laws for a late lunch and open up gifts. Then it's on to a movie late on Christmas night.
For Advent we read a book called Adventure of Christmas by Lisa Welchel it contains stories about where the Christms tree originated from and candy canes etc... then we have a small tree that we add special heirloom ornaments that my grandmother gave me. The kids take turns and then we send a picture to her of us in front of it! The ornaments are so ugly but gosh they mean a lot to me!
So good old Santa. As a child I was never really allowed to participate in santa traditions. I know it seems kinda sad but really i wasn't damaged to bad. With our children they know there isn't a santa and actually they have never really showed any desire in going and seeing him. We tried it one year and Lord help me if i will ever stand them in that line again with over zelous mothers who have screaming kids. My kids just laughed and thought it was pointless. They are allowed to watch santa movies we actually think they are quite fun. I hear them playing "Santa" in their rooms and i love that they play pretend! I love how my children give Jesus all the glory in their gifts and how they thank him for blessing my husband and I to be able to bless them.
I am enjoying reading all about your traditions thanks for stopping by! Let me know you were here so i can visit you :)
I love this! It all sounds SO fun!! And I especially love that you take goodies to the families when you are out looking at Christmas decorations. That is a great idea! And we are hoping to be closer to family soon so maybe we can try out the house hopping. Thanks for sharing all of your great ideas!
(BTW, I am totally guilty of being one of those moms with the crying baby seeing Santa. I wouldn't confess to it, but I posted the shameful pic of it on my blog. :)
Love your list of cookies! We bake alot of cookies and goodies too and it is the one time all year long I don't feel guilty for eating them!
I'll try to see about sending you a little bit of our snow! :)
WOW! That is a lot of baking goodness! I wouldn't fit into anything by New Year's. :-) I love that you share it with others and get it out of the house.
I love the Lisa Welchel book. We try to do some of those activities at our house, too.
I, like the others, love the goodie giveaway- how wonderful! The family house hop sounds great! You guys must have an absolute blast!
I love the Holiday House Hop!
My oldest two knew Santa was make-believe. It's all knew territory now with my little 3-year-old tubal-reversal miracle. (I say that a lot. Sure hope it's not sounding old by now. But she's my miracle.)
Meant to tell you in the comment and forgot--IT'S SNOWING HERE! OR SNEAUXING! ;)
Where are you Yankee girl who lives in the south? I'm in Louisiana right next to Baton Rouge.
Can't believe it's snowing again this year! Hope it stays 'til morning and hope you see snow as well!
I am in Georgia. Just moved here Nov 3rd to plant a church with my man :)
We came via Michigan.
My brother and sil live in baton rouge and my sil sister posted pics on her face book. I love it!!!
Everyone needs snow in their life!
I used to live in New Olreans where are you at ?
Love it Rachel! I wanna go caroling and Christmas house hopping with you!!!
I LOVE that you bless the lighted houses with cookies! What a fabulous idea...I know those people are so blown away by that!
So glad you played along Rachael! Just now got the new week posted with your gift..:)
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