Monday, September 6, 2010


I love how my life is so Simple.
This weekend my hubby and I were blessed with a trip away to North Carolina.
Yes it was for ministry but we still got to sneak away.
Hotel, Dinner, dreaming and planning and just some alone time.
Plus i got to be with my hubby while he did what he was anointed to do;lead worship.
We had a great church service on Sunday.
Then after church we enjoyed the beauty of the lakes around us.
Swam a bit. Snow cones. Live music, which happened to be my brother in law.
Today we enjoyed Simplicity.
Swimming. Cookout.Family.

Sounds busy. Yup
But it was simple fun.

Investing in our marriage,in our children, in our ministry.

What do you need to make Simple ?

1 comment:

  1. I love getting away with my hubby. So refreshing & much needed in the ministry.
