Thursday, September 2, 2010

Leading & Loving It

Okay chics 2 day's in a row! What a miracle!
I wanted to introduce you to a great website.
It's led by a great group of Ministry Wives from around the country, and they are hosting 2 events in the future

A FREE virtual conference!!


So hoping that i can make this but it's our anniversary and usually I'm in Michigan at the Women's conf. during this weekend... we will see!!
Go to Leading and Loving It and check out the daily blogs and on top of that these great events!! Oh and tell the girls Rachael from Girlfriends With A Purpose sent you!!


  1. this looks excellent. And i love Nashville! :)

  2. I think I am a bit too young for those..only being 15. But I love going to conferences! They are really fun and I enjoy listoning to speakers. Which..wouldn't that be the reason you would go to a conference?

    I am new to your blog and following you. I would love if you stopped by my blog and followed me.

