Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Shark Boy's Adventure

Let me just start off by saying sighhhhhhh....what a day.
This morning started out as your average day in The Scott home which actually is never average because with a 7,4 & 2 year old nothing ever is the same or average.
We actually slept in a bit and after the nice rain storm last night this momma was hoping for a day to DEEP CLEAN my house.
At least 4 loads of laundry to be put away
3 to be washed
Toys everywhere
You get the idea.
We needed to take a "rainy" day inside. (although it was perfectly sunny)
At about 9:30 Connor my 4 year old came around the corner of the kitchen/entry way into the living room and ran into the wall with his side... ya know us clumsy people just have to gravitate towards the wall can't just walk normal around it.
Anyways he was crying and like everyone momma... I got annoyed after about 30 seconds of the whinning... i mean after all how bad could he really have hurt himself.
While I was looking over him I was asking him questions and he stopped answering, I turned him to face me and he was rolling his eyes in his head, going lethargic and turning blue....which for us always leads to Pure white... Mouth white, lips white...and tongue a chalk white.
He passed out in my arms and started shaking...
This is not something new to us. This happened about 6 months ago when he ran into the coffee table. Everyone still in PJ's ran to car grabbed keys and raced to the local Emergency Room.
There we proceeded to have blood work.... which took 3 sticks 2 blown veins and a very unhappy 4 year old boy. So by the third stick I had him convinced that when they put the IV in it would give him special super powers like Shark Boy (no clue what movie shark boy is even from...yikes.) We proceeded to have a CT done and Chest X-Ray. The E.R. doc came in and told us they were moving us to the Children's Hospital an hour away to see the Pediatric Neurology team. So Connor and I jumped in the back of the ambulance, Ben went and took the two girls to a friend's house (Thank you Charis!!!) and meet us at the Children's hospital...
We were greeted by several doctors at Children's Hospital and he was promptly put in a room... yeah you know what that means... we were going to be staying for a bit.
They asked a bazillion questions.
Ruled out Fever seizures (since he didn't have one).
They told us they were going to do an EEG & MRI... sigh, but it would be in the morning...
Thru further talking we found out that the doctor truly thought that since he has had this happen a few times, that he was having what they used to call "Death Spells" or "Holding Breath Spells". Umm okay but he wasn't holding his breath...
So we talked for awhile and basically the gist of it is when your mind is in shock after something physical or emotional... and has to reboot.
SO if you saw someone having a baby you might pass out...
or if you saw someone get blood drawn you may pass out...
Well our Shark Boy apparently passes out when he has trama to his body..
NICE... huh.
A 4 year old boy who's brain has to re boot when it's been traumatized.
So after lots of discussion lot's of Doctors poking asking questions and doing exams we begged I mean politely asked if we could come back as out patients for the EEG. They were happy to oblige since there is nothing you can do for death spells or holding breath spells...
We will do the EEG to rule out anything else since these have been re occurring over a period of 4 years. It literally looks like death when he is doing these episodes...
If the EEG comes back with any abnormalities we will do the MRI...
Seeing your baby boy as ghostly white as can be and completely lifeless in your arms is horrifying. I have done this a total of 4 times now. Will you join me in praying that we don't EVER have to go thru this again and that God would line his brain up with his will, and that is to be healthy and whole!! I know you will.
My husband and I are going out of town tom. morning and I have complete peace about leaving him with our friends, but the momma in me can only picture what i saw early this morning. Please pray I can enjoy my hubby for our anniversary trip ( a month late).

We are at home now and he is honestly doing really great! He looks good and is his normal self. I think I many invest in bubble wrap though.... Wonder how that would work in Georgia summer heat....


  1. Oh my word, Rachael!! How terrible!! I can't imagine how you must feel watching your little guy go through that!! I WILL be praying!! Keep us updated!!

  2. Poor buddy...and poor momma too! My son does have fever induced seizures and they are just I can relate. Seeing your baby lifeless and you're unable to do anything is just about the worst feeling in the world. I will pray they are able to give you some answers and that he won't have them again. Please let us know how he is doing!

  3. Wow, so I guess extreme sports are out of the question for him then?

    Okay, sorry, bad attempt at some humor to lighten the situation. :o(

    I'm sorry Rach. I can't imagine the terror you must've felt the first time this happened to him, let alone the FOURTH. I'm thankful you might have some answers though...and praying for more wisdom.

    You mentioned you are going out of town this morning, who is taking him for the EEG?
    Happy anniversary (a month late). Don't feel too bad celebrating a little late (better late than never)...we've never gotten to celebrate our anniversary. This year is our 5th...and we will be spending it celebrating another couple's wedding (which is kinda cool, actually, to share the same date).

    Anyway, I'm rambling...take care my friend. Try to enjoy your time away...I imagine, like the good mama you are, you will be thinking of your shark boy back home...and that's okay too. But I read this this morning and figure it's a good reminder to share now:
    Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things.

    Love ya!

  4. Oh, poor buddy! I've had a lot of lab work done, and that's never fun. Hopefully whatever it is (death spells or fever seizures or whatever) gets resolved!

  5. Rachael--how horrifying! Props to you for keeping your head in such a situation!! How was the EEG? Is there anything they can do for him? I mean, he's four, and a boy--he's going to run into things, fall down or wrestle with his siblings. Will keep praying for you all.


  6. Praying for you guys right now! And sending you hugs as well!

  7. Hi Rachael,

    I've just heard about Conner's adventure. I'm so glad it turned out ok. I can only imagine how frightening that was for you. I bet he thinks getting the EEG is pretty cool. They'll stick all the wires on and then wrap his head in a giant turban. Be sure to take your camera. lol We're praying nothing serious is found and that if this is something he will have to live with he finds ways to cope. Maybe finding a safe place to sit or lay down after he hurts himself? I hope your trip has gone well. (((hugs)))

  8. I know that is so very scary. I will be praying for total health!
