Friday, June 18, 2010

Blog Roll...

Hey Girls just wanted you to know I've added a few more blogs to the blog roll... don't forget to copy the code and have it on your blog so others can connect with girlfriends in ministry!!!

<--------------------- You will find the code and box over to the right.

If your new and just visiting and your in ministry or your hubby is let me know if the comments and I'll add you to my blog roll.
Ministry is not limited to... Full Time/Part Time/Volunteer

Ministry can be adopting, youth, family pastors, working at a crisis pregnancy center and the list is endless etc...

So when you click on that button to the right <------------- it will take you to a great blog roll of ladies :)

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog roll! I will hop on over there right now!! Great to meet you girl!!
