Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Was it a lose or a gain ?

"We frequently lose what we have because we fail to remember why it was given. "

Today I'm having one of those days. I have not had one for a while. I miss "home"! Yes I know my home is here in Georgia, but I think that one can truly have many "homes" They say your home is where your heart is and well i have invested in many places and so pieces of my heart are spread around the country like little seeds.

Today I am enjoying our new church "manse". It's a kinda blah day and my allergies are in full swing, yet I'm overwhelmed with the goodness that although its not a true "manse", it's what has been given to us, and I'm GRATEFUL! I'm going to choose today to remember why it was given to me. It was given to me as a mandate.... a mandate of when you move in there the call on your life is in action. A mandate of a promise that God would take care of us. A mandate that he has put us right where he wants us. I for one don't want to lose what we have been given so I'm going to remember what he has given me, and feel BLESSED that he has Chosen me!

Below are the pictures of our old house, and i do miss it! However I know it was given to us for a season, and i have beautiful pictures to enjoy. Praying you remember what was given to you, and more importantly Why it was given to you!!! So as I miss my other homes and friends I count it a gain to be where God has put me!


  1. How beautiful! I would miss this too! I stumbled across your blog from - well, I don't remember now. But thanks for your real-ness. It's so refreshing! Today, I'm missing our old place as well. The talk radio guys were taking call on "What you miss" - for me it's Texas. I'm thankful for where He has us and thankful that we got to live in Texas for as long as we did.

  2. Totally needed this right now! Thanks for posting!!

    Your home was beautiful, and what wonderful memories you must have. I pray that God will give you equally beautiful memories in your new home.

  3. What a beautiful home. Absolutely breathtaking. I would miss this as well.

    I'm sorry about your allergies. As a fellow allergy sufferer I can offer you sympathy!

    May God bless you today.


  4. I am having the same sort of homesick week. Nice to know another girlfriend who can feel my pain. We've been here almost a 1 1/2 and this is my first time of being homesick. But I am feeling it girl...

  5. I can totally relate to the investing your heart in so many places. Praying for you girl and thankful for your thankfulness!

  6. Oh, how I resonate with these feelings. I love your heart in the matter and these were good words for me to hear today. We are about to move into a nicer home than we've ever had and I feel these words were crafted for me to remember, the week before we move, that God is indeed the one whose hand it comes from and to use it for his glory....and to be willing to let it go if he calls us to leave it one day. I pray your transition will become more like home for you soon as you make new friends.

  7. Paul and I have been in four different parsonages/home... all with memories some better than others!! The spiders and rats we'll do with out but all the blessing we'll take!! lol no... I even learned from those spiders and rats! Blessings to you this home sick day. Tomorrow is a new one! Just lean on your best friend right now he'll get you thorough! So how is Pastor Ben and the family adjusting?

  8. Your home was GORGEOUS!! I can only imagine what God has in store for you now! He is so faithful to bless our obedience...with things seen and unseen.

    Thanks for writing this terrific post!!
