Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Share Your Space....Church Edition :)

There are so many awesome creative ideas out there! I would love to feature them right here! There is a blog for people to "show your space" and show off your home, but I want to do one for those of us in ministry to show off our "church buildings"....
So here is the list i've compiled of different areas to "show your space".
We will do it every Friday, and I will have a Mr.Linky for you to link up to. Snap some pics and right up a blog post and Link up!
So why do this ? Well I think for one looking at all the different ideas will be so fun, and blog hopping each Friday thru the weekend will be a great way to get to know another Girlfriends in Ministry!


There is a prize each week :)

On Monday I will randomly draw in the afternoon someone from the Mr.Linky to win! SO you really want to play!!!

Here is the list of "Show Me Your Space" scheduled post.

Friday April 30th ~ Show me your Worship Center (where you hold service).
Friday May 7th ~ Show me Your Children's Ministry
Friday May 14th ~ Show me your church Restrooms.... some great ideas in this one (lol).
Friday May 28th ~ Show me your cafe or fellowship hall

Okay that takes us thru May so get to snapping....
Leave me a comment and let me know what you think....!!!


  1. What a fun idea!! I've got to remember to take my camera to church w/ me!! =)

  2. What a great idea!!! Do we wait until Friday to post it? Thanks so much for your creativity!
