The church we are @ for another week! Ah that's so crazy to say is doing a series on
"I Love My Church"
I was just curious what do you love about your church ?
So many times we hear so much negative about the "church" that we never get to focus on what we love... so spill the beans tell me what you love!!!!
I love that at my church people really care! It's such an awesome culture that even shows in the little ones in Kids Zone, I really do hope it will always be this way, it is so very special & feels so much like a big, beautiful, healthy, family.
I LOVE the family feeling of my church. Everyone who visits comments that we are laid back, friendly, and that we feel like a family.
I also love how we all pull together at great events. I have some pics of our Harvest Fest from this weekend up on Facebook, and they are just a great example. While Nate & I were outside leading games, some members of our church were talking to visitors, and other ladies were cleaning up the kitchen area while some of the men put all the seats and tables where they go. Everyone just works together.
I love that I can literally bring ANYONE to our church. Love that they love people ... really love them. I love that they have a heart for the broken and for the hurting.
I love my Bible study group. I love our women's group that gets together once a month. I love our children and our youth.
I love that we are a young church (6 months old) so there are no preconcieved notions of the "way we've always done things." i love that I can invite anyone, and that there has never been a week when we haven't had a first time attender. I love that we are committed to our community and that our community is slowly learning to trust that. I love the people who attend, and the ones who volunteer, and the selflessness I see permeating everything we touch. I love sensing God moving through us... I could go on and on! (and Rachael, in response to your post on my blog- I'd love to, email me! agascho@gmail.com)
I seen that today on out side of your church. It was so cool. Tell me what it's about? What are you guys talking about and doing.
I love my church because it's a brand new vision and the skies the limit! What do you have for us Jesus!!
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