I have a confession to make. Sort of a verbal vomit because we all know how holy and Godly that is right ?
I took a long break on blogging!!! Shock I know. See the community God has given me with other Women in Ministry has been amazing! Many day's I can go thru the Girlfriend Blogroll and see how many of you are doing amazing, some of you are struggling, and some of you encourage me in a dark hour. Let me just say I love each of you for the friendship we have developed.
Many of you have connected and becomes friends on facebook and I love that because I get to see you throughout your daily lives and not just a post every once in awhile. I love that I have posted scriptures, and encouraging messages for the last several years and for many of you, it is something that has spoke to you, and many others outside of ministry on facebook.
However, a couple months ago I posted a scripture from my Beth Moore bible study and people were quick to "assume" I was calling them out and referring to them. This broke my heart. I'm the type of person in real life that if I have something to say, I will come to you, and not use social media to go after you (we all know there are people who do that :), however I'm not one of them). I removed it and really have not posted a whole lot since.
I was sickened by the fact that some people would judge my heart and my motives. I'm not going to open all that back up, other than to say my heart was shattered. For several years I have used scripture, and quotes to uplift, encourage and speak life, and I was questioned.
I let that ONE event stop me from posting, being real and being me. Today a sweet friend posted and said this quote.
"It is said that if we were to help the butterfly remove itself from the cocoon, the butterfly would not be strong enough to survive. It is the struggle that prepares the butterfly to become strong enough to fly. Without the struggle in the cocoon, it could not survive as a butterfly."
The Lord prepares each of us in similar ways. ~Os Hillman
I'm ready to sore! I have spent way to much time bound in the cocoon struggling to become strong enough to fly that I know realize the cacoon was preparing me for such a time as this. I won't hold back, I refuse to be a people pleaser but I will honor God in all I do and all he ask. Don't ever judge someone, all butterflies come in different shapes and sizes, and some may take longer in the cacoon. Let them be, and let them become. So to those who emailed and said you missed me, I miss you, but I'm back!!!
1 comment:
Welcome back Rachael!
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