Saturday, May 21, 2011

Summer Fun List

Go to the Park
Go Swimming
Go To Stone Mountain Laser Show
Go to a National Park
Picnic that each of the kids plans
Play Outside on the swing set
Ride Bikes @ The River
Sparklers :)
Eat Popsicles
Make Popsicles
Plant flowers & maintain them
Kickball with friends
Museum on a rainy day
Vacation Bible School... somewhere
Have Friends over often..
Cars 2
Watermelon... our favorite!
Go Canoeing
Summer Library Book Program
Day Trip to St.Simons Island or Tybee Island
Ice Cream Floats
Make Homemade Lemonade & Share with a friends
Side Walk Chalk
Pick our own food (love this)
Water Balloon fights
Sweet Tea on the swing
Nature Hikes
Star Gaze
Make Dinner for the local Ronald McDonald House in Macon
Paint toenails... (except Connor & daddy)
Root Beer floats
Movie Night Outside w/ popcorn!
Wash the car with sponges and soap
Play Tag
Hide & Go Seek
Bored Games
Movie Day on a rainy day
Arts & Crafts
Take Family Pictures
Skip stones at a lake.
Make a CD of your favorite summertime songs.
Have a scavenger hunt.
Visit a flower garden and/or butterfly house.
Turn up the music and dance.
Tie-dye a shirt
See some fireworks.
Make smoothies
Have a garage sale
Catch Lightning Bugs
Having family devotionals and memorizing Bible verses
Go Fishing
Climb Trees
Paint the house (inside)

Go on a family trip!!!!

Rainy day indoor picnic - yummy food and bored games !A cheerful heart brings a smile to your face; a sad heart makes it hard to get through the day. Proverbs 15:13

*Encouragement Boxes- Decorate shoes boxes and put each family members name on it and then take turns a few times a week leaving "mail" for each person.
But encourage one another daily as long as it is called Today Hebrews 3:13

*Make a child smile - Make cards for children who are ill all across the country.
Then the little children were brought to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. Math 19:13

Nature Walk & Feeding Ducks- Many O Lord my God, are the wonders you have done Psalm 40:5


Write a newspaper - Friends near and far will be thrilled to read all about your family! Use pictures and photos and get creative!

Tea Party - Bring out fancy china and invite some friends over for some finger foods and tea! If this is coffee, please bring me some tea; but if this is tea, please bring me some coffee.

Dare to Dream- Poster boards, glue, magazines! Glue your dreams and have fun making up stories!
For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you to give you a hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Cloudy Day!
Sit outside and see what shapes you can make out of the clouds!
Look up at the heavens and see;gaze at the clouds so high above you. Job 35:5

Trash Pick up Day - Go to a local park and pick up trash! Reward with playing and ice cream after!

Video Grandparents- take a video and ask grandparents questions from when they were little, or their favorite family recipe. Video It!
Is Wisdom not found among the aged? Does long life not bring understanding. Job 12:!


  1. What fun ideas! Sounds like a blast of a summer you have ahead of you!! This has inspired me to write me own post of fun summer ideas! THANKS :)

  2. I have a great Popsicle recipe!
