Monday, April 11, 2011


I am stumped.
I have had pretty much blank walls in my house for over a year now.
Some of the walls still need paint.
I vision Pottery Barn meets Ikea prices ???
What do you have on your walls ?
What are some creative ways to incorporate my family on the walls without having 10 million picture frames all over the wall ??
My couches are a brown leather and I like pretty simple clean lines....
Help a Girl out....

1 comment:

  1. I love this blog...check it out, maybe you'll get a cool idea. :o)
    Other than that...paint color on a wall and that usually helps to break it up a little. Get dramatic in then it really only requires one or two things to make an impact. :o)
    We're getting ready to paint again...gahh...I am not ready for my house to be all disheveled for months on end. :o/
