Monday, January 31, 2011

One Day-One Lunch Project

Last year I had the privilege of meeting Amy and her sweet family at the Royal Celebration of Princess Chrissie. I briefly got to talk to her daughter Addisyn and how she felt about adopting and really in those few moments of talking to her she has an amazing heart!!!

With that being said please take a moment and read what Addisyn has been doing for the last 100 days.

Often times we are guilty of doing nothing because we can’t do it all. Often times we excuse ourselves from doing God’s work because we don’t believe we can make a difference with the little we have to offer.

On February 3rd marks 100 days of my 15 year old daughter, Addisyn, eating a small bowl of soup and piece of bread for lunch, like the children at the feeding program receive. Addisyn decided to do this so that she can donate her lunch money to Lifesong for Orphans for the children at the Adami Tulu preschool. You can read about what God taught Addisyn through our trips to Ethiopia on Amy's blog.

What to some may seem a small gift, God see’s the heart behind her efforts. He sees a child who is willing to give up the little she has for others who have nothing at all. He sees a child who did something for them- and in essence-did something for Him- with what she’d been given. Through a simple bowl of vegetable soup God has taught Addisyn so many lessons- in sacrifice and in integrity. He also blessed her efforts through a friend who decided to join in- doubling the gift.

As I was praying the other morning and thanking God for working in Addisyn's life- God brought to mind the little boy with five loaves of bread and two fish…. and how He took that child’s gift of giving what he could and multiplied it.

If you are reading this today- yes
YOU… I’d like to ask you to be a part of something big. God usually preferred to work through His people. People just like you and me-and my 15 year old daughter. You have two choices right now. You can click off this page and pretend you didn’t read this and go on with your everyday life- or you can choose to see that God brought YOU here- to read this- for a purpose- to be a part of something big.

Do not worry, I am not going to ask you to do something you can’t- I am asking you to do something you can. The Average American spends between $2.00 and $8.00 a day on lunch. If everyone who reads this blog post would simple choose- on February 3rd to give up their ‘lunch money’ and then donate what they would have spent on lunch that day to Lifesong for the Adami Tulu preschool - can you image what Jesus could do? A mere $3.00 feeds a child for ONE MONTH. Can you imagine the impact we could make- simply by being willing to make a small sacrifice for someone else?
But more than that… can you imagine how it would affect those around us as we say ‘enough’. Enough of over abundance. Enough of the waste. Enough of going on with our lives like we are the only ones that matter. Enough of turning our back to the needs of others in this world. Enough of pretending we don’t know what to do. If a 15 year old can think of something to give, then so can you and I. No more excuses- all it takes is one day and one lunch.

So mark your calendar for Feb. 3rd and spread the word about the One Day- One Lunch Project. Put it on Facebook, add it to your blog- ask your friends, coworkers and church family to join in. Let’s make a small sacrifice- to make one big difference.

"Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love."
~ Mother Teresa

Online donations:
**indicate for the Adami Tulu Preschool.

Mail checks to:
Lifesong for Orphans
PO Box 40
Gridley, IL 61744
For the Adami Tulu Preschool


  1. Thank you so much for sharing about the One Day-One Lunch Project! And I absolutely LOVE your jewelry! I wear my necklace every day! ~Addisyn

  2. Thank you so much for sharing about the One Day-One Lunch Project! And I absolutely LOVE your jewelry! I wear my necklace every day! ~Addisyn
