Sunday, October 24, 2010

Where's October ?

This last month has seriously gone by so fast! My blog has gotten neglected because of well... LIFE! So here is a quick update and i'm sure I will detail it more in the next few days with pictures! We all know I love pictures! I have slow week (well slower) and hope to do lot's of blog hopping and blog loving!

So here is my crazy list.

* Me out of town in Springfield MO with ladies from our former church for 5 days.
* During that same time my husband was in Cleveland TN doing worship @ a conf. with our 2 oldest.
* My daughter that is 2 spent her time in Atlanta.
(P.S. Thanks so much to my amazing home team girls who helped with our nutso schedules and holding our arms up!!!) We love you girls!!! IF your a Ministry chic and don't have a home team or know what one is let me know and I will fill ya in :)
* Getting back from out of town we had 5 fieldtrips between 2 children.
*Kerry are amazing friend from Michigan relocated here and we helped her settle in, which included meals, and laughs with her family and trips to Atlanta to the airport.
*A Birthday Party for 18 little Pre-K children. My sweet Connor turned 5!!!
*I started a part time job at Bath and Body Works
* Loads of Love - Outreach at the Laundry Mats
* Crisis Pregnancy Banquet
* Fall Break
* New Life Group Launch
* Hubby working & Music Lessons
* Dance Practice
* Soccer Practice & 4 Soccer Games& Final Awards Ceremony
* Friends from Michigan in town for 5 days
* Normal Sunday Service
* Deep Root's Festival where our church had a fun Photo Booth!
* In between all of this lot's of family loves, kisses, little ice cream dates here and there. Some late night snuggles and early morning loving. Lot's of awesome Jesus moments!

Can I also say this month still has a week left!!

So tell me has your October been as crazy ????

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