Thursday, September 23, 2010

Giveaway Time!!!!

I would love to introduce you to a blog friend of mine. Here name is Rachel.
Rachel & Her friend Andrea just started a new business together.
Here is a little bit of information about Andrea & Rachel.

We have been great friends since 7th grade!! Our memories together include chats at our lockers, pop quizzes. youth group, sleepovers, P.E. (yuck!), boys, primping in between classes (mostly to impress those boys!), and our high school Senior trip. We've been friends through both high school and college graduation, both of our weddings, and three pregnancies. Most importantly, though, we've shared laughter, tears, prayer, and support. We thank God for the friendship He's given us!

When we decided to start a business/blog together we thought long and hard about a name that would represent our long-standing friendship. We found a scripture passage that sums up our feelings perfectly:

Proverbs 20:6

"Many can say they are loyal friends, but who can find one who is truly reliable?"

Hence, the name Twenty 6!!

Both of us have always been very "girly"! We love feminine and pretty things. Andrea has had fun exploring the world of "girl stuff" since she had Alaina in 2009.

We sell a variety of things that girls ages 1 to 99 will enjoy. You will find adorable handmade bows as well as personalized bow holders which are hand-painted by Andrea's sister, Lisa Dickson. We are so excited to share her wonderful artistic ability with you!

Twenty 6 Shop continues to be a work in progress. We have some exciting additions planned, so check back often for new products and great sales!

We can't tell you how excited we are to share this friendship journey with you. We hope that Twenty 6 Blog is a warm and welcoming place to all who visit, and we are looking forward to meeting many new friends!!

So now the give away part.

Go to their blog and follow then come here and tell me you did :) - 1 entry
Go to their etsy shop and tell me what you like - 1 entry

Here is what your going to win.

A reader will get a "friendship bracelet of their choice" including free shipping. I will run the contest until this Tuesday at midnight... so spread the word.