Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Love this.

‎"Sometimes I would like to ask God , why He allows poverty, famine, and injustice in the world, when he could do something about it...but I'm afraid He might ask me the same question." Anonymous

Please go check out this blog , man it wrecks me every time I read it.

She has a huge heart for orphans.
Give it a minute and you will shed a tear or two.
Adoption is still in my heart.
A big piece.

There are 3 blogs that i visit on a daily base that ruin me.

My New and Dear Friend Loraine at All Are Precious In His Sight

I promise if you don't want your heart wrecked don't go to a single one cause your heart will be wrecked.
I don't foresee an adoption in our future, but i know i can help in other ways.
I double dare you to go visit their blogs and sit a spell and read a bit....
Let me know what you think


  1. It is Saturday morning and I have read two of the blogs you mentioned in great detail and now I'm a total mess. My three year old is staring at me with eyes of confusions while she attempts to comfort me....don't think she's ever seen me cry before. Wow, I will be reading more of these blogs for sure....before I put on makeup. Thanks for sharing.
    BTW: I watched all of Chrissie's funeral...didn't you say you went to it? Wow, that was just an amazing event of celebration, remembrance and praise. But of course full of tears too.

  2. Thank you for this post. Wow, is all I can say. I actually posted something on my blog yesterday that has to deal with that same question, after I watched a film called A Case for Faith. I think I have a better understanding now, although it may be hard to view.
