Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Where is Summer going Ya'll ????

Lord have mercy, this summer is flying by. My oldest two will be in school in like 15 days! What! I'm not sure what Ellianna and I are going to occupy our time doing but somehow I think our time will be filled up very quickly!

So I want to know what my Girlfriends are up to ? I have not heard from some of you in a while and to be honest blog hopping is a luxury right now. I think from sun up to sun down we are busy, laughing, playing sometimes some tears and just a whole lot of FUN!!!

I can't wait to get routine back in line.
So.... I must know for those of you who like to be organized what do you do in the morning during the school year to keep your life from being completely chaotic. I love hearing other people's ideas.

Do you pack everything up the night before ?
Do you have breakfast on the go ?
Do you do devotions...

Let me hear it cause it's almost that time again...

P.S - Isn't that uniform so stinking cute!!! I love the fact that my kids have to wear uniforms!!!


  1. I love uniforms too. Although I dont have any school-aged kiddos yet. So, I'm kinda out on this one. But, I go for uniforms ALL the way!

  2. I don't know where summer has gone either!!!! I am sending my kids to school this year, too and am also excited about the idea of a routine! One of my plans is to get a shelf with hooks to put in the kitchen to keep all backpacks, lunch bags and stuff like
    that together. I also put a shoe holder in our front closet. (Currently there are like 2 pairs of shoes in it and 85 pairs on the floor, but we're going to work on that. :)

    Can't wait to read what everybody else does!
