Tuesday, June 29, 2010


hey girlfriends...

So here are my list of Random itmes for the day...
It's hot in Georgia.
This is not like Michigan... it's HOT.

You know I never knew people's birthday's before Facebook so should i feel guilty if i "ignore" them at the top of the screen...?

My little man got a haircut and looks sooo big!

Had a great girls night out at my house by having a Scentsy Party.
I'm $25 short on my goal for the month and would love if one of you would help me out!
Here is my website . Click June Mystery Hostess and you could end up getting $60 free in Scentsy product... must order by tom. to count.

Oh and i still have to upload the interviews from the Beyond Gorgeous conf.... stay tuned!

And I'll leave you with this awesome song...

love you girlfriends.


  1. I'm with ya! It's HOT in New Orleans too! And VERY HUMID!!!!

    And... my little man is in need of a haircut - but he's only 3 so I enjoy like curly locks!

    just wanted to stop by your blog and say hi!

    Have a great rest of the week!

  2. One of my favorite songs! I just returned from a week long trip to IHOP! It was a blessing!

  3. Hi there lady! It was actually a bit cooler today in my part of Georgia. We had a nice breeze (for once). Got my necklace and LOOOOOOVE IT!!!! Even my DH noticed it and said "Oh you got your necklace, I like it!" And that's saying a lot!!! Check my blog and make sure everything you want is on there. :)
    Thanks so much!!!!
