Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Broken.... but Bossing My Heart.

I know I need to draw a winner for Show me Your Space... but I can't today...
You see I've been praying for a little girl named Chrissie for a while now... well actually a little over a month. To be honest with you I didn't even know she existed until a month ago.
This little precious princess was adopted into a Texan family full of love...
You can Read all about them HERE.

Little Chrissie had to have open heart surgery because of a condition she was born with.
Her family took her in & adopted her not knowing how long her days would be...
Early this morning little Chrissie went to be with Jesus.

About 2 weeks ago her mom posted on her blog about when Chrissie was struggling she whispered in her ear... Boss your heart... and guess what things changed, her numbers stabilized and all was well.

That statement pricked my heart . "Boss Your Heart". How many of us need to be doing this ?
We need to stop and tell our heart to line up with the TRUTH of what God has for us!
So i created a necklace in honor of Chrissie bossing her heart...

Here is a portion from Lorraine's blog....
Rachael, this is such a true and profound statement about people bossing their hearts, and I had no idea God would use those words to lead you to create this necklace in honor of our princess. Scripture tells us in Proverbs 17:20, "A man of perverse heart does not prosper; he whose tongue is deceitful falls into trouble." It also says in Jeremiah 17:9, "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" And more issues of the heart are addressed in Hosea 10:2, "Their heart is deceitful, and now they must bear their guilt. The LORD will demolish their altars and destroy their sacred stones."

We need to boss our hearts AWAY from what the world tells us is important and align our hearts with the Truth of God's Word, which tells us our hearts are deceitful above all things. The surest way to mend our broken, hurting hearts is to ask our mighty God to circumcise our hearts, to remove all the boo-boo's and mend our hearts to be made new in Him. You've heard me quote my scripture prayer for my personal heart before, but here it is again: Deuteronomy 30:6, "The LORD your God will circumcise your hearts and the hearts of your descendants, so that you may love him with all your heart and with all your soul, and live."

The truth is that ALL of our hearts are broken without the Lord, and we are desperate to have Him repair our hearts. He is able, willing, and ready to make our broken hearts become brand new. That's what faith can do. (Remember Chrissie's song and the lyrics of "That's What Faith Can Do"?!?) All we have to do is submit to Him and ask Him to create in us a new heart, one which is more like His.

If you're ready for God to boss your heart instead of allowing the world to boss your heart with deceit and lies and barriers that keep us from fully experiencing His perfect goodness, the goodness that comes when we're able to love him with all our heart, with all our soul so that we may LIVE (Deut 30:6), please begin praying this prayer of circumcision found in Deut. 30:6 for yourself. God will do mighty things to mend your broken heart. (And it doesn't matter how shattered your heart is, He is mighty to save and He will do a massive open-heart surgery in your heart if you will ask Him and allow Him.)

This beautiful necklace can serve as a daily reminder to allow God to boss your heart with His Truth, His Love and His Goodness, while at the same time serving as as a prayer reminder for our princess.

So if you would like to support the Patterson's you can find the necklace here...

I don't know this girl but she has forever pricked my heart...
If i had frequent flyer miles I would be going to thank this wonderful mother in person for the way she has allowed their family to break my heart. I know ultimately it's God that is doing it, but really they are being Jesus with skin on and that is an image I pray I mirror everyday.


  1. Hi Rachael- got your comment. :0) Email me any time block amy at hot mail dot com. Thank you again for what you are doing. You are precious. Amy

  2. Wow! This is AMAZING! I was looking for something unique to share with a ladies bible study tonight and I think this is what I will share! Thanks for passing this on to everyone! I love this! I have so often taught ladies against the "follow your heart" mentality - we cannot do that! Instead we must BOSS OUR HEARTS to follow Christ!
    Again - thanks so much for sharing this with us all!

  3. I am so sorry to hear this. That breaks my heart. I will keep this family in my prayers for a long time.

  4. Rachael,

    This is beautiful! God bless you!!

  5. I have never visited your blog before today and I actually went to the necklace page of your store because my friend Karin (Treasures from Afar blog) wrote about your necklace for the pattersons and put the link in. I thought whooo, I got someone to give this to, but it is a man...a man who has "lived out" the life of a christian for 56 years - son of a pastor - long story short, he actually gave his life to Jesus just at the beginning of this year... He is suffering right now from regret and shame that he wasted so much time....can you tailor this for a man? Let me know. I don't know how this blog thing works, but I'm just going to post my e-mail address here if you could let me know. I saw at the end of your page about ordering that you have Zephaniah 3:17 - that is my LIFE think all of this happened by chance? Praise God for his amazing love and the ability to connect sisters thru cyberspace...even cyberspace virgins like me!!!!

  6. Oh, how I LOVE these words! This too just struck a chord with me. I'm feeling a ladies conference centered around that theme coming on. Oh wow, that is just an awesome way of communicating the idea of submitting our flesh to the Holy Spirit. I LOVE this! Thanks for sharing. And I so want that necklace!!!!! I want to see about a bulk rate...girl, you think I'm kidding about the conference thing....I'm so not!
