Friday, April 9, 2010

I'm Back....& our Easter Launch.

Wow that was an impromptu blog vacation...oops!
We have been so overwhelmingly busy!
So here is just a tiny list of things that have happened since Madalynn'e last post!
Friday Night - Madalynne's Bday Party
Saturday - We spent the day shopping for food @ Sams Club an hour away and running everywhere cleaning out the church and getting ready for our missions team to show up!
Saturday PM. 1/2 the missions team showed up from Michigan to begin the remodel of the church!
Sunday- Demo Begins and the rest of the team shows up! Including our Pastor and his wife from Michigan!
Monday- Saturday - Was spent making three meals a day and an average of 220 cups of coffee a day for the men here on the missions trip. Oh did i mention that most of them were sleeping in the parsonage that only got vacated from our renters on umm Thursday... Oh and because the church was under remodel I was also cooking for all 28 men in the parsonage kitchen!
Did I also mention that i have 3 children under the age of 7 ?
You would think i would have lost weight running back and forth to the church deciding where to put this and where to hang that etc... but uh yeah back to the thirty day shred soon... blah!
Sunday was spent getting the carpet installed
Monday-Saturday - Cleaned the church, decorated, shopped for things, hung pictures oh and here is the big one....
Ah yes all this in two weeks.
We launched on Easter and it was amazing!
1 salvation
3 rededication's and for our first Sunday we had 69 people in the building, including 19 yes 19 children!!!
We are so blessed here are some pics....
Love you all...


We flipped the sanctuary around and where the stage used to be is now the family room/cafe' gathering area and the stage is now flipped to the other side!


  1. Yay, keep up the good work. I'm sure you are pooped but I also know that even though exhaustion sets in it is so worth it!

    WE have those same IKEA green and orange dots!!

  2. Yay!!!! What exciting, great things!!! I am SO excited y'all got to move into the pastorium! I pray God will refresh you and fill you with His strength.

  3. WOW! The church looks awesome!!! I am so excited for you guys and praying for God's continued blessing as you move forward in the things he is calling you to. How exciting about Sunday's service. Praising Him with you for these things, my friend!

  4. Everything looks wonderful! I love that pink bathroom.

  5. Congratulations!! Your space looks wonderful!! How amazing to birth a church on Easter Sunday. I hope you have a restful week!
