Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mentor Monday's ~ Meet Jessica

I have the pleasure of knowing Jessica in real life. Her and her husband ooze creativity... I mean really, who would think to use a black and decker light to replace a blown bulb in the middle of the night ? Seriously you will have read about it!
Anyways Jessica is so sweet and we served on staff together for about a year before they went back on the road again. Show Jessica some bloggy love in the comments after you read about her and her husbands new church plant Faith Family. If that's not exciting enough than check out their awesome ministry Servant Hands seriously check it out!
On with the interview...

Tell us a tiny bit about yourself ?

*There is me, the husband, 2 girls and 2 dogs. I'm a cleaner and an organizer but not a cook or a baker!

How did you and your spouse come to the conclusion to start a church.

*Paul and I started out as Children’s pastors. The phone keep ringing of the hook for us to travel and do children’s programs, speaking at camps, schools and churches. So in 2000 we went full time on the road. From there we found that all ages enjoyed our programs, from the age of 2 to 92! After years of Children's programs, we switched the concept from not just children but to family programs. That switch was our nitch. Family ministry is were it’s all at. With the girls getting older and having traveled 34 different states for the last 10 years we’ve decided to refocus. As of last September we’ve come of the road and planted a church that is family centered and God focused.

Where is your church meeting ; how did you decide the best location ?

*We met in the YMCA in their gym. The door just flew open for us here! It was amazing!

In a sentence tell us about your church ?

Our Church is focused on the family, we have a multi generational service. We’ve deiced that families need to be together for church instead of going their separate ways. With that being said we get to be very creative in our approach to ministering to the family.

How many original people helped you begin your church ?

*My husband and 2 other couples.

How did you start off your church ? Small Groups ? Sunday Service etc ?

*We started with a GRAND OPENING!!

How are you handling children that are coming to your church ? Do you have a nursery, or a special place for them in the service ?

*We have a quiet play area in the back of the gym for ages 3 and under. We have a rubber mat down on the floor with a shelf that holds bins and we’ve placed quiet toys in the bins. We ask that parents stay with their children in the area and help keep them quiet.

Where did you come up with the funds to purchase things for your church prior to opening the doors ?

*We are self employed and our business has help us in this area. We own several inflatable games and this has help not only with income to fund the church plant but we have the best outreaches!

What is the greatest Victory you have felt ?

*We have been blessed with the acceptance and support of other church domination's in our city.

What advice would you give to another church planting wife ?

*Support your husband, be his helpmate, share idea’s, dreams and goals together, Than do what you know in your heart you're called to do.

What role do you play @ the Church if any ?

*I think this question should be what roll don’t you play. Hehe

Finally if there is anything else that you want to share that is on your heart!

*Just an interesting fact. 56,000 churches need to planted this year in order to keep up with the population growth of today. With that being said, we the body of Christ have a lot to do!

Thanks Jessica and we pray nothing but many blessings over your family and the days to come of Faith Family!

Don't forget to check out their website for their church plant, their on the road ministry (total fun), and Jessica's Blog!!!


  1. Thanks Rachael for such a nice introduction!! I hope that the blog post helps someone in someway!

  2. I love the idea of a church where everyone is together! Way to go! & I know that all hearts are touched in these services! As a bystander to help with the kids at BC camp last summer, I know God used the Dietzel's to touch my heart! Thanks! I was wondering...
