Sunday, January 24, 2010

Mentor Monday's

There is so much that we can learn from each other. I know other blogs that interview women and ministry and i think it's great that there are many areas. I will be highlighting a point of view and answers from women who are in the midst of planting brand new churches. That's the season I am in and quite frankly there is not a whole lot out there on this topic, for us girlfriends.
So i would like to introduce to you Bonnie! I am getting to know this amazing chic and she is def. someone that I will have to meet in real life one day. Her and her hubby just launched
Freedom Church . Thank you to Lori and Brandi over at Leading and Loving it for making these friendships possible!
If you want to be considered for a spot on Mentor Monday's let me know! Bonnie does not have a blog but leave her some bloggy love in the comments!

Tell us a tiny bit about yourself ?
My name is Bonnie Ruth I have been married for almost 9 years to the most amazing man ever, my best friend Jason Rolf. I will be 30 this March. Not to excited about the big 30 but I am sure I will survive. I love singing/worshiping, Starbucks (which is why I work there part time. LOL ) I love planning events & parties shopping of course, I like scrap booking but never have time to do it and I am not that good at it. Mine and Jason's favorite thing to do is watch our favorite shows or go to the movies together, or drive around our city dreaming of how God will allow us to bring influence and impact. We hope to parents someday sooner than later I hope. LOL I love friendships, I love a good challenging conversation that causes me to grow.

How did you and your spouse come to the conclusion to start a church?
It was a long journey for us. We spent two years on what we call the shelf life, we had no idea why we were just idle in life at that time. Both longing to be doing something more and even though we tried to make things in ministry happen and even life itself presented what looked like dream jobs it just never was right. We began meeting with a pastor at our church just feeling down. We had been in full time ministry for 5 years and then now this waiting season just felt so empty. He encouraged us to seek the Lord on what our promise land was. We were like ok, sure, then as we began to seek the Lord he showed us a city and a people group. He began to birth in us a church. the desire to be apart of a community do life with them and watch God reveal his love.

Where is your church meeting ; how did you decide the best location ?
We meet at a YMCA in McKinney, TX. There was a pastor friend who had been in ministry for years that gave us the best advice that has ever been given to us, he said "follow the favor" So that is what we have done. ALL the places we had gone to were going to be a stretch not only for our budget but for time and set up. Then we found the YMCA and it had children's facility and all that we needed. It even has a church on Sunday that meets in there and so we meet on Saturday nights and use all of their equipment. So we set it up and they tare it down. It saves the energy of both our teams.

In a sentence tell us about your church ?
We believe that every story matters, and that as we engage God and embrace people and expand his kingdom in our daily lives doing life with people, we will see their stories connect with God's story.

How many original people helped you begin your church ?

How did you start off your church ? Small Groups ? Sunday Service etc ?
We have from the beginning looked at it as we are a family so every one works together to set up, and clean up. then we honestly just went with the areas that were needed most to function: Sound, Childrens 6 weeks to 1st grade is all we could do at first. Then we rotate worship leaders. We start small groups end of Feb. We rotate the whole team for greeting, ushers, security ect... As we grow everyone will get to be in a place of serving where they are more drawn and gifted.

How are you handling children that are coming to your church ?
Do you have a nursery, or a special place for them in the service ? We have a nursery room. We have the parent fill out a form they keep part of it and we keep one, then the kids get a name tag and the parents bring the form back when they come. The next week when they come in the forms are laminated so that they will last long. this is until we can afford a check in system. We have biblical lessons and activities for the kids each week.

Where did you come up with the funds to purchase things for your church prior to opening the doors ?
We had a benefit that someone hosted for us, we would meet with other churches, pastors & business men that we know and many would donate, we raised monthly support from friends and family for one years commitment, and shared the vision no matter where we went and God would just bring in the funds.

What is the biggest opposition you have faced ?
Finding a worship leader that is willing to take this journey with us. Also my own faith sometimes.

What is the greatest Victory you have felt ?
Watching our church has already made an impact on the community, and that we are as of date still functioning debt free, but doing things with excellence.

What advice would you give to another church planting wife ?
I think the first thing would be to discover her own love for her community, her own role as a woman of God that she will play to bring Godly change to the places she has influence. That this church plant would not just be about her husband but about them as a family reach those that God has called them to. The second thing would be to not try to be perfect, or to "Play a role" or try to make you and your family appear perfect or all together. No one is really looking for that it is a lie and trap that satan convinces us we have to work out in order for this whole things and our hubbies to be successful. Success is being fully you all the time and allowing your kids and hubby to do the same. It is allowing others to see that it is ok if they do not have it all together, that we all have bad days and hard moments and hits from life but how we walk through that is in our moments with God and by accepting and loving each other where we are. I live out loud all the time because I want others to know that we all have the good, the bad and the ugly and we don't always handle well and other times we do. Dont compare or you will never be able to fully be you. EVERY church planters journey is different I have yet to meet any other pastor or their wife that has had the same. Have strong couples that are available to you for encouragement and accountability.

Has this affected your marriage or your children ? IF so How ?
It has honestly effected us for the better, we have learned to communicate to one another about everything but in the right timing. We don's always get it right but we try. It has caused us to listen to one another more and what we are sensing in the spirit. We are strong believers in marriage counseling/mentoring. We have been to counseling on a regular basis for the last 4 years in order to keep things from getting unhealthy. Why wait till it is bad when it does not have to get bad. When we first moved to McKinney it was very hard for me and I death with a lot of fear and loneliness and it really effected Jason a lot. It was hard on him to see me walking through that, but with a lot of conversations, prayer, getting in the word and well honestly just time I came out of it and still have moments but I believe that it is vital that we be honest but just in the timing that is right.

What role do you play @ the Church if any ?
I cover the responsibility of the administrative assistant and service coordinator. Now both roles can be tricky being those and the wife, we have had to work really hard at making our priorities be God, Family then work, It is a daily thing but we refuse to be down the road 5, 10 years and only know how to connect or relate to one another when it is church related. So I am the wife first and he is the husband first. We get it right sometimes and not so right other times.

This is the greatest journey of my life. It is also the hardest thing I have ever done or journey before. But I have seen God be God in a more real way than ever before. He wants to show off and change lives. this is his church and he will grow it and make it all he desires it to be for the people he has called you to. He makes the change we are the ones that get to walk it out.


  1. Love reading your interview and thoughts on planting Bonnie! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Great interview. Since my husband and I are at the beginning stages of a church plant it is always nice to hear about someone else going through it.

  3. Wow, this was really awesome to read. What a great idea you have going here. I love it and wish I had something like it when we planted our church. Please thank your friend for sharing. I liked her spirit!
