Saturday, December 19, 2009

On The Line.

How many of you have so much on the line ?
This starts the week of crazy but fun events and cooking and baking! There is so much on the line... if i don't get my butt in gear and get of the computer.
I even just sent my amazing preacher dude to the store with a three page list yes... with my 6 year old daughter to help keep him on track. Much is on the line with this grocery store trip.
We have friends coming from Michigan for a few days, we are going caroling with the family, Family parties, lot's of food to make a lot is on the line.
The pressure to clean and cook and bake and so on and on and on...
As I was thinking today i realized there is a ton on the line.
You see Christmas is about one thing. A baby born in a manger who came into this world to eventually die on a cross for us, you and me! There was a lot on the line when that wonderful baby Jesus was born! I'm a mother of 3 who had the luxury of giving birth in a hospital. There would be a lot on the line, if i did a home birth. I have complications and things that would be dangerous to deliver let's say in a manger, a stable on hay or even just in my home or God forbid a car. I say all this to say that yes there is a lot on the line with presents and cooking and party's but how sad at the end of the day, at the end of this season if we didn't share the love of Jesus our Savior with one single person. I mean really share it... invite people to put it all on the line and follow him ??? I know my family is going to do our part to make Jesus felt and known everywhere we go! I will put it all on the line just to see even one person feel the hope that Jesus brings, to see him as a present and not all the other "stuff".
Loving Jesus & putting it all on the line.
Merry Christmas!!

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